Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Story Time

Story time. Building block style. Add a sentence to the last sentence written and create a story.

There once was a girl with auburn hair and eyes the color of emeralds.



At 9:59 AM , Blogger MrFisher said...

And I knew she wanted me, even though she seemed trapped in the pages of my Playboy.

At 10:15 AM , Blogger MrFisher said...

Ok. I agree. Too naughty. How bout this one?

Those eyes were fixed heavily on a 1945 silver dollar that was once her grandfathers and now rests in the palm of her gentle hand.

At 10:29 AM , Blogger MrFisher said...

love you to TRW/C! ;) you still playing guieeetar?

At 11:18 AM , Blogger punky said...

Man, you guys suck at this! ;)

Although I knew I shouldn't touch her, I couldn't help but reach out and stroke her silk tresses

At 11:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OW! she cried, as my fingers got caught in a tangle.

At 12:05 PM , Blogger Higgy said...

"My bad" said I, as I pulled my finger free from the tangle and again gazed into her infintely deep eyes, knowing that although we had just shared something deeply intimate and amazing, I could never get over her past prison conviction for murdering her ex-lover.

At 1:18 PM , Blogger punky said...

Although I suppose she was justified, what with him cheating on her with her brother and all.

At 2:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The hoots from the audience reminded me that we had another twenty minutes to fill on our segment of the Maurey Povitch Show.


At 2:32 PM , Blogger punky said...

*commercial voice over*

" ... and it's ribbed for her pleasure!"

And we're back ... in 5, 4, 3, 2 ... action.

At 2:42 PM , Blogger punky said...

Wait .. yo! ... maury's a girl?! Snap!

At 3:31 PM , Blogger punky said...

Whose name was Muffy decided that she would take a stab at being an actress. She landed her first commercial for ...

At 3:37 PM , Blogger MrFisher said...

Kabeen wasted no time, and immediately sought some silicon, and a summer home Rancho Cucamonga, despite her attorney's advice.

At 3:39 PM , Blogger MrFisher said...

ok, you're right ,I suck ( I swear I Kibby'd, honest). Back to *werk* for me then. I'll leave this stiff up to yous pros. catch ya on the flip flop.............

At 3:55 PM , Blogger punky said...

Kibby ... I miss Kibby. How the hell is Kibby. Who knows? Anyone?

At 4:28 PM , Blogger Graz said...

He seems to be doing okay. I checked in at the MOAT the other day and he's been posting.

And back to our regularly scheduled story (from Fish's last)....

After seeing the amount of work that needed to be done around her new place, she decided that she needed to hire a handyman. The first applicant was Miquel, a swarthy Swede that had the type of looks that made women think erotic thoughts about him, even with his lazy eye.

At 4:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The second applicant was, oddly enough, also called Miquel, but he spelled it with a "g," as in "Miguel." Muffy was not thrown, however. Miguel was a tall, sinewy left-handed Mohican transgendered handyman with the supporting documentation and power tools to prove it.

At 5:41 PM , Blogger Higgy said...

Muffy hired neither of these Miqguels, choosing instead to hire the neighbour's son - oddly named Quasimodo, even though his hump was barely noticeable. Quas, as he liked to be called, delighted in covering himself in rubber cement and peeling it off, so Muffy didn't get a whole lot of work done around the house. She did end up with some really disgusting wall art, however.

At 7:19 PM , Blogger DonnaJo said...

Muffy's friend Estee, a gay Jamaican art critic, declared that the disgusting wall art was worth a fortune and book a showing at a Soho Gallery.

At 7:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which tuned out to be really inconvenient ofr Muffy. She had to bring both Miqguels back to cut the wall out of her Rancho Cucamonga mansion and ship it back east by Wells Fargo armored truck.

At 9:32 PM , Blogger punky said...

As Muffy prepared the Wells Fargo, the two Miqguels had a plan of their own ...

At 8:51 AM , Blogger punky said...


But this left them in a pickle ... where were they going to store their Vegas costumes?

At 12:47 PM , Blogger punky said...

"Hey, that's not a pickle!" squealed Miquel.

"oops. My bad" Giggled Miguel.

"'sOK. Now ... about the costumes?"

nkpxhkx = I'd like to buy a vowel

At 12:54 PM , Blogger MrFisher said...

"The costumes, right. And let's not forget our plan with the green eyed red head. Hey, how come you always get to be Laverne and I gotta be Shirley?"

At 12:56 PM , Blogger punky said...

"because it's my blog ... now get to thinkin'"

At 1:15 PM , Blogger MrFisher said...

They hopped in the U-haul after deciding to stash their costumes in Miss Kabenn's garage. Miguel started thinking, which is never a good thing. Smoke started wafting out of his ears and suddenly he was again lost in an adult ADD day dream........ Wherr he made a cameo appearance on Pee Wee's Playhouse and even got in on the secret word for the day (which btw was macaroni). Mekaleka Hi, Meka Hieni Ho. Mekaleka Hi, Meka Chinie Ho...........

"For chis sake's snap out of it G, you're driving in the other lane again."

At 2:57 PM , Blogger MrFisher said...

.....the Red Neck Tractor Pulls and Goat Roping Championship, and as I'm sure you all know, if you've never seen scantly clad, overweight, under sunned wimmin, pulling cases of beer on a sled behind them with their bikin bottoms, well then you ain't had to bleach your brain lately. But not our beloved Miqguels, oh no they had nerves of platonium and the brains of bologna and they were on a mission from .....

At 3:26 PM , Blogger punky said...

... Jesus - their savior and personal trainer at the local gym. So they pulled into the Tractor Pull and grabed their rope. Miguel, having grown up with goats was a shoe in to win the contest, giving the Miqguels extra cash to ...

At 4:13 PM , Blogger MrFisher said...

.... load up on convient store hot dogs, pork rinds, Pabst Blue Ribbon, party balloons, and prostitutes (not hookers!). The open desert was frikkin hot, the U-haul had no working a/c, and it was starting to take it's toll on our boys. Up ahead in the distance, they both swore they saw .....

At 4:17 PM , Blogger Graz said...

a shimmering light. Their heads grew heavy and their sight grew dim, they had to stop for the night....even though it was still only 2:22 pm. That'll teach 'em to eat those party balloons.

At 7:58 PM , Blogger punky said...

As they passed the hotel they had to reread the sign to make sure they had read it right - one can never be sure after drinking that much tequilla on an empty stomach ... and sure as snot, the sign read "you can check out anytime you like - but you can never leave". Well this was just not at all what two two miqguels had in mind when they ...

At 8:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

. . . for the start of an erotic jouney from Milan to Minsk. But as the melancholy strains of an electric guitar suddenly filled the air, these heroes of the common man decided to turn around and stop at the lonely hotel.

Pulling up beneath a rickety porte cochre, a buxmo blond midget in 4 inch heels and a halter top made from old fashioned beer can pop tops ran out the front door and sprang to attention. In a very bad Charo impersonation, she greeted the two, weary drunk men with their cago of booger art and Vegas costumes by saying . . .

At 7:41 AM , Blogger punky said...

Oompa Loompa. But they wouldn't be deterred - our boys were in need of some grub and fast. So they tackled the Oompa Loompa and stole his Pop Tarts. And just as their gold plated teeth sunk into the delicious strawberry frosting, they saw over the hill ...

At 8:51 AM , Blogger MrFisher said... surly sasquatches sitting in the sun, sipping on some Sasparilla spiked with steroids.....

At 11:42 AM , Blogger punky said...

The miqguels meandered meakly making moderate marks upon makind by mixing margarita mix with mai tais to manipulate more sasquatches into submission ... but it didn't work ... because

At 10:17 AM , Blogger punky said...

pick up a few of margarita's belongings. As they made their was across the border, margarita and the miqguels starting planning out their new act. To all of their surprise, they all knew the same show tunes and dances. Margarita could hardly contain her excitement. They decided that their first performance would be ...


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