Driving Habits
1. When changing lanes on the highway, do you use your blinker (turn signal) ...
- always
- sometimes
- only if there are other cars around
- only when driving with my wife
- only if I'm being followed by a cop
- never - I'm not turning.
2. When you are lost, do you ...
- ask the first person you see for directions
- consult the map you keep in your glove box
- use the GPS system that came standard with your 2006 SUV
- you're not lost, damnit!
- drive around until you find a bar and figure you'll try again tomorrow
3. When you are on the highway and find yourself behind a slow moving car traveling in the left lane, do you ...
- flash your high beams until they pull to the right
- ride on their ass until they slam on their brakes and you find yourself in their lap
- pass 'em on the right
- slow down to 45 mph and patiently wait for their exit
- start drinking
4. When you park your car in a public parking lot, do you reverse into the spot or pull in forward?
5. Are you a good driver?
5a. Would your significant other agree?