Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Driving Habits

1. When changing lanes on the highway, do you use your blinker (turn signal) ...
- always
- sometimes
- only if there are other cars around
- only when driving with my wife
- only if I'm being followed by a cop
- never - I'm not turning.

2. When you are lost, do you ...
- ask the first person you see for directions
- consult the map you keep in your glove box
- use the GPS system that came standard with your 2006 SUV
- you're not lost, damnit!
- drive around until you find a bar and figure you'll try again tomorrow

3. When you are on the highway and find yourself behind a slow moving car traveling in the left lane, do you ...
- flash your high beams until they pull to the right
- ride on their ass until they slam on their brakes and you find yourself in their lap
- pass 'em on the right
- slow down to 45 mph and patiently wait for their exit
- start drinking

4. When you park your car in a public parking lot, do you reverse into the spot or pull in forward?

5. Are you a good driver?
5a. Would your significant other agree?

Monday, May 29, 2006

In Memory Of ...

Irrespective of how I feel about our president (go Dixie Chicks) or the Iraq war, I am taking a moment today to think about the young men and women who no longer have the ability to form an opinion on either, because they gave their life to serve our country.

So many. So young. Many whose only available option was to join the military. Others who joined because they wished to serve and protect our country. So while I am celebrating the long weekend from work, I will remember to take a moment today to remember and honor those who died representing, protecting and fighting for our country, regardless of my personal opinions on war or politics.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Happiness is ...

Please finish the following with your own special flair:

Roses are red,
Violets are blue ...


Hickory Dickory Dock ...

And then just because I'm me ...

List 5 things that make you happy.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Story Time

Story time. Building block style. Add a sentence to the last sentence written and create a story.

There once was a girl with auburn hair and eyes the color of emeralds.


Monday, May 22, 2006

Survival Quiz

You fall into quick sand ... do you:
a. Swim like crazy
b. Hold your breath and wait for Westley to rescue you
c. Stay still and allow yourself to float to the top
d. Quickly start apologizing for all your sins - you're a goner

You are walking in an open field when a lightning storm hits ... do you:
a. Hide under the nearest tree
b. Run in zig zag motions to try and throw off Thor's aim
c. Crouch in a little ball and think of your happy place
d. Raise your hands to the sky and scream "you wanna piece of me?"

You encounter a bear while hiking in the woods ... do you:
a. Scream like a girl and run for the nearest tree
b. Stop, drop and roll
c. Walk up to the bear and try to pet it. It looks soft and cuddly
d. Slowly walk backwards away from the bear and avoid making eye contact while you try and figure out if the bear really just licked his lips

You get caught in an avalanche ... do you:
a. Stick your ski pole straight up in the air so the rescue dogs can find you
b. Try and outrun it
c. Think about how pissed you are at Fred for wanting to go skiing instead of snorkeling this year
d. Swim in a freestyle motion to stay on top of the avalanche and avoid being buried alive

A shark, swimming in attack mode, is racing toward you ... do you:
a. Poke it in the eye
b. Try and out swim it
c. Play dead and just float there
d. Point in the direction of your friend and say "He's meatier. Eat him!"
e. Think about how pissed you are at Fred for making you go snorkeling instead of skiing this year (loves Tamara some Fritos)

Thursday, May 18, 2006


With whom would you rather be trapped inside an elevator: Bettie Page or Marilyn Monroe? (assuming they were both still alive and in their prime)

If you could pick one memory from your life, where you felt you didn't handle the situation the way you would have preferred, and do it again with all the knowledge and experience that you currently have, which situation would you choose and how would you change it?

Please rank the following locations for sexual relations in order of preference:
- Shower
- Back seat of car
- Bed
- Playground Swing
- Trampoline
- Bingo Hall
- Chandelier
- Canoe
- Dining Room Table

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Will time travel be possible in the next 100 years?

Are there parallel universes? If so, what do you think you are doing right now in the "other" life?

Who/what are responsible for crop circles?

Is John Edward (not Edwards - oops) legit or a crack pot?

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Question 46

1. When you make an important life decision, do you rely on your logic or emotion to guide you?

2. When you are sick, do you prefer to be
a. taken care of
b. left alone
c. shot
d. all of the above

3. At what age did you learn that any of the following were not real: Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy? (apologies to those just finding out)

3b. How did you find out?

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Which birthday was your favorite?

Which birthday was the worst?

Which birthday are you most looking forward to?

Which birthday are you most dreading?

What is your absolute most favorite type of birthday cake EVER?

Monday, May 08, 2006

Question 45

Favorite amusement park ride?

Least favorite amusement park ride?

Favorite amusement park food?

Least favorite amusement park food?

Favorite board game?

Least favorite board game?

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Question 44

Happy Cinco de Mayo Eve!

In honor of the happy day, let's discuss liquor!

What is your favorite alcoholic drink?

Think back to the first time you got really drunk. What was the liquor/drink of choice?

What liquor/drink can you no longer consume under any circumstances?

Which liquor/drink should be banished forever from all bars?

How do you cure a hangover?

Monday, May 01, 2006

Question 43

Describe in detail your "perfect day".

Be as specific as possible.