Monday, May 29, 2006

In Memory Of ...

Irrespective of how I feel about our president (go Dixie Chicks) or the Iraq war, I am taking a moment today to think about the young men and women who no longer have the ability to form an opinion on either, because they gave their life to serve our country.

So many. So young. Many whose only available option was to join the military. Others who joined because they wished to serve and protect our country. So while I am celebrating the long weekend from work, I will remember to take a moment today to remember and honor those who died representing, protecting and fighting for our country, regardless of my personal opinions on war or politics.


At 12:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes. Exactly. Wholehearted agreement with everything you have said.

I had five Iraq and Afghanistan vets in my Comm 101 classes this spring. Five men under 30 who had seen things I don't even want to imagine. They are all gifted, intelligent, wonderful human beings, and the world would be a much darker place without them. I can't even begin to imagine what we've lost in the young people who won't be coming back.

They did the thing they thought was right, and for that, I honor them.

At 10:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said, Punky.


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