Monday, December 17, 2007

and since we've no place to go ... let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Moving right along ...

'tis the season for bad holiday gifts. so, in honor of the holiday, I'm going back to the old format for a bit ...

1. what is the worst present you ever receievd?

2. what is the best present you ever recieved?

3. what is your favorite christmas tradition? (even if you don't celebrate it ... what do you do on the day?)

4. who would win in an ultimate celebrity deathmatch: Santa or the Abominable Snowman? Would there be midgets?

5. would you rather spend one day at the north pole or in a magical gingerbread house?


At 12:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. What is the worst present you ever received? A leather cell phone case that didn't come anywhere near fitting my cell phone. It was a throw away gift. I do recall the Christmas that my parents wrapped up some randon pieces of LEGOs and, after I had opened the package, said money was tight. When I was sent to the garage to take out the trash, I discovered my new ten speed bicycle. But the gag was a bit traumatic.

2. What is the best present you ever recieved? I'm partial to my Jackalope. And the LEGO Black Seas Barracuda Pirate Ship. At the time, Michael Jackson's Thriller album with a new boombox was a big deal.

3. What is your favorite christmas tradition? (even if you don't celebrate it ... what do you do on the day?) Hmm, we used to have a Christmas party at 12:30 a.m. after the midnight Christmas Eve service. That was fun until schedules got more complicated. And when I was really young, we'd open gifts at one set of grandparents house, then go to the late Christmas Eve service. Afterward, my parents would pack us into the other car and we'd drive about an hour to the other grandparents house to be there Christmas morning. They'd be up waiting for us around 1:00 a.m. I'll always remember coming in from the cold to their warm, toasty kitchen, with all the Christmas goodies set out in case we needed an early morning chocolate fix (which of course we did).

4. who would win in an ultimate celebrity deathmatch: Santa or the Abominable Snowman? Would there be midgets? The Abominable Snowman, of course. They bounce. No midgets, but the elfs might get involved.

5. would you rather spend one day at the north pole or in a magical gingerbread house? Are we supposing a magical north pole a la Santa or the real North Pole that may or may not be anything but open water at the rate we're going). And what is magical about the gingerbread house?

At 11:16 AM , Blogger Higgy said...

Worst present - tough to say - might have been 3 giant jars of strawberry jam that one year. Or a butt-ugly sweater. Call it a tie.

Best present - besides a "wake-up" call under the covers on Xmas morning? Hmm, probably a 20MB (yes, you saw that right - MB) hard drive I got when I was in college (1989 or so) for my old Macintosh computer. Hey, it meant I didn't have to boot up using a disk! Big stuff!

Fav tradition - (pity I can't make the wake-up call a tradition) - probably opening the xmas crackers before the meal - which I don't think you really do in the States - and everyone wearing the silly paper hats, reading the corny jokes and exchanging the plastic crap gifts that came in each one.

Santa would turn his heat-resistant butt around on the Snowman and melt him. What do you mean, his butt isn't heat resistant???

Same as boo - Xmas North pole or reality swimming pool at the rate we're going. I'd eat too much of the house, so I'd feel all yucky.

At 1:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I want one of those "wake up" calls for Christmas. I truly believe it would come closest to capturing the true meaning and spirit of Christmas.

At 4:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What are Xmas crackers??

1. Worst -- a bra. And not from my husband, but from my MOTHER. I was twelve.
2. I'm not sure what was the "best" gift -- Xmas was always great when I was a little kid (not twelve!). Maybe the keyboard when I was around nine. I loved that thing.
3. Traditions... I loved when my stepmom and I made Xmas cookies. She was fabulous in the kitchen.
4. Abominable. He'd hug Santa and squeeze him and call him "George".
5. The house, if it really is magical!

Merry Xmas, all!!


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