Thursday, September 28, 2006

Ooh, she's a little runaway

Did you ever run away from home when you were a child? If so, for how long? Did you pack anything? How were you found? Or did you come back when you got hungry? How did your parents respond?

Did you ever own a hamster, gerbil, turtle or goldfish? If so, what were their names? And how long did it take you to kill it? Did you flush it or bury it?

Did you ever try putting a spell on anyone when you were a child? Or did you use a ouija board? Or play "stiff as a feather, light as a board"? Any spooky experiences to share with the class?

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

This or That ... chapter 26

Polar Bear or Panda Bear?

Tennis or Ping Pong?

Ants or Spiders?

Mountains or Oceans?

Rain or Snow?

White chocolate or Dark?

Cinderella or Snow White?

Cagney or Lacey?

Diane or Rebecca?

Daphne or Velma?

G.I. Joe or Ken?

Mel Gibson or Michael Jackson?

High or Low?

In or out?

Sunday, September 24, 2006

In my life, I love you more

Is it possible to be in love with two people at the same time? Explain.

What does unconditional love look like to you? Explain.

Update: Dearest blurkers ... come on now, don't be shy ... you can answer anonymously you know ... ;)

Thursday, September 21, 2006

In the days of my youth ....

What didn't you learn, stick with or do in your childhood that you wish you did? For example: I wish I learned to speak Portuguese fluently, learned to play the piano, had an opportunity to take dance lessons, etc?

What was the biggest, most pleasant surprise you received as a child?

When did you learn to:
- ride a bike?
- swim?
- french kiss?
- do a cartwheel?
- whistle?

Any scars or war stories from using/doing any of the above? Such as almost drowning, falling off, getting slapped, that kind of thing.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

ta ta ta tuesday

Which superpower would you prefer:

- to be invisible
- to be able to read minds
- to see through clothes
- to fly

If you could only watch one TV show for the rest of your life, which TV show would you pick? (you can include shows that are no longer on the air)

Would you rather spend a year in the desert or in the Antarctic?

Friday, September 15, 2006

red flags

What are/were your relationship deal breakers?

For example, a few of mine are ... liars, cheaters, drug addicts, republicans (love ya, Dan), being emotionally unavailable, gold chains, black socks and sandals, taking more time to get ready than I do, bad kisser, bad in bed, not funny, not smart, not nice ... so on and so forth.

Your turn.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


If you had your own factory, what would it make?

If you could only eat one kind of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

If you could build your own robot to do whatever you wanted for the rest of your life, what would it do?

If you had a shrinking device, what would you miniaturize first?

Friday, September 08, 2006

Story Time

I start a story, you add to it building block style.

The sun was just beginning to rise as I strained to open my eyes. In the darkened corner of the room I noticed a man watching me. In his arms he was holding a duck ...

Ok ... go!

UPDATE: I'm not throwing y'all a new question until you've worked together to get this story up to 50 comments! Ha!

UPDATE 2: come on ... you guys are so close ... get creative ... I have new questions waiting to be posted!!

Monday, September 04, 2006


Answer any or all of the following:

- A book that has changed your life.

- A book you've read more than once.

- A book you wish you had written.

- A book you wish had never been written.

- Book you are currently reading.

- Book you have been meaning to read.

Thanks to Higgy for the questions.