That's gonna leave a mark
What is the best sport to watch on TV?
What is the best sport to see live?
What is the worst sport to watch on TV?
What sport shouldn't really be considered a sport at all?
Which sport do you wish you could play professionally or coach successfully?
Which sport draws the craziest fans?
yeah i'm first!
best sport to watch on tv - football
best sport to see live - baseball
worst sport to watch on tv - basketball
non-sportage - anything that doesnt involve some kind of physical contact
pick-a-sport - football, because id get to lift weights, live in big houses, and physically dominate people all day. cool.
craziest fans - soccer by far. ive never seen insanity at any other sporting even other than soccer.
Golf - no, wait - NASCAR.
Play - celebrity poker. coach - women's beach volleyball!
FOOTBALL! Watch the winter games in Buffalo - you'll see idiots with bare chests in -30 weather...
Best TV sport - Basketball
Best live sport - Baseball, especially at Wrigley Field in perfect weather with a Chicago Hot Dog and keep the frosty Old Styles coming!
Worst TV sport - Baseball
Non-sportage - I would have said curling but I took a curling class last winter and got sore in places I didn't know I had.
I'd love to play pro tennis. Tennis pros just look so cool.
Craziest fans - The words "soccer" and "hooligan" are rarely seen apart.
Hockey Hockey Hockey.
Hockey Hockey Hockey.
best tv watchin' - Football
best live watchin' - Football
worst tv watchin' - Golf, Sailing (while I love to DO both, for some reason I find it painful to watch)
Sport that's not a sport - TimberSports (call me crazy, but it resembles too closely that of actual "werk")
Play - Baseball (uniforms are quite comfy, well, except for that whole itchy crotch thing) Coach - Football
Crazy you say - Soccer I say.
Oh and YaY! For Punky and Sports Questions!
Best sport on TV? baseball
Best sport ot see live? baseball
Worst sport on TV? auto racing
Sport that shouldn't be considered a sport? auto racing
Play professionally? As if! In my younger days, baseball of course.
Craziest fans? British soccer hooligans
best on TV: double dutch
best live: badminton
worst tv: cricket
not a sport at all: fishing
craziest fans: bowling
oh and the sport I'd like to play professionally is ....
wait for it ....
ping pong!
Either that or tennis. I'd love to be a kick ass tennis player.
Worst on TV has to be hockey...pretty good live, but can't see the G-D puck on TV.
If I could have been a pro baseball player it would have been heaven on earth (damn those tricky pitchers, making the ball move in unfair ways...)
Soccer. Then football.
Golf. Then baseball.
They are all arguably sports.
Kung fu. Any martial art, really.
Soccer, internationally. Football, stateside.
to me - its tennis by far - i get to involved with it - but ehh what can i say i've been playing since i was 6.
hockey - aggressive, fun, loud, and there are fights! gotta love it!
golf - BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dirtbiking or offroad atving - what is the point - it isn't really a sport - it is a hobby?
tennis - i wish i had followed that dream and goal to go professional - god i could be a rich woman.
soccer - have to agree with that - never been to a game but i have heard the stories from dan of his international day i'll see a game...if i'm lucky!
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