Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Oops ... wrong button!

If you knew with complete certainty that the world was going to end in 24 hours, how would you spend those last 24 hours?


At 3:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'd spend it doing all the important things i know of: telling my friends and family that i love them, hugging and kissing my mom, dad, brother and sister, playing with my dogs, and being intimate with my girlfriend one last time! and if there is time, a REAL stiff drink and the finest cigar i can get my hands on.

At 6:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nekkid with my sweetie. Coming up occasionally for air and To drink a margarita. Then, as the end got closer, I'd call my family and tell them I loved them. And curl up in the last few minutes with David and the cats.

At 8:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, 24 hours wouldn't give me enough time to do what I'd really like to do - fly to Australia & New Zealand. (And isn't there always that On the Beach feel that maybe they are far away enough to survive, even for a while?)

So, I'd probably do what I do, which is stay online!

No, really, can't think of anything I haven't done that I could accomplish in 24 hours.

At 8:56 AM , Blogger punky said...

It's not so much doing what you haven't done, jeff ... it is how you would spend your last hours ... what makes you happiest? Having sex? Eating carrot cake? Swimming in your pool? Or doing nothing, just watching the minutes pass by? Maybe you'd go through all of your old photo albums and try to remember as much of your life as you possible. How would you spend your last hours?

At 10:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was going to answer "the cold embrace of Death" for the last question, but it seems much more appropriate here...

At 11:50 AM , Blogger punky said...

nope ... I've asked if you were going to die in a year ... and other questions about dying ... but not about the world coming to an end in 24 hours. I don't think anyway.

I'm wondering what you'd do if you knew the entire population was going to die right along with you ... would you try and secure your place in line at the pearly gates? Would you start praying? Would you take a bunch of pills so you wouldn't have to deal with it when the time came?

At 1:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Lord, the world is going to end in 24 hours . . . tamara is channelling Jar Jar Binks!

So, I expect there will be some reconciling with God, etc., then I'd want to spend the rest of the time hanging out at my grandparents' house with my grandparents, mother, sisters, etc. Some how, I suspect being with the older folks will make things calmer and more stoic. Plus, we'll probably have barbecue for the last time.

At 2:13 PM , Blogger punky said...

OK ... I choose one of two options...

Either spend the remaining hours with as many people (friends and family) as I could get together in one room and celebrate the snot out of the remaining moments of life as we know it.

(it's life, Jim ... but not as we know it)

Option B would be me sitting on the edge of the Grand Canyon contemplating my life and then in the last 10 seconds* I'd get up and run full speed off the edge, a la Thelma and Louise and enjoy the free fall before it all ceased to exist.

*I assume anything more than 10 seconds and I’d be road kill on the bottom of the canyon … and then the world would end. How much would THAT suck?

At 4:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would find every person i knew and loved and tell them i loved them.

my biology teacher's son passed away abt a week ago. he studied at my school. he was 22 or 23 years old. I am extremely sorry that i didnt go to see him, that i didnt ask abt him.

i was going to streak thru ur blog nekkid...but here i am getting sad.

HELLO PUNKY. i been missin u :)


At 4:31 PM , Blogger punky said...

Bangi!!! Hey pretty girl. I miss you.

At 4:33 PM , Blogger punky said...

OK ... I'm a little ashamed to admit this ... but sometimes the word verification things stump me ... what looks like an i and an n is really an m and what not WTF? I mean what kind of idiot fails the word verification test?! I should get a special award for that.

At 5:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually punky, assuming the numerical value for the acceleration of gravity is approximately 10 m/s/s (most accurately known as 9.8 m/s/s, but there are slight variations in this numerical value which are dependent primarily upon on altitude and the South Rim of the Grand Canyon is approximately 7,000 feet above sea level) and you're at the deepest part of the Grand Canyon (1,600 meters), if my calculations are correct (remember, I'm a lawyer, if I could do math, I would have gone to math school or something) you'd fall for at least 17 seconds before going splat.

At 8:27 PM , Blogger punky said...

I knew you'd come thru for me, Boo

At 6:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, since we're not talking reality here but playing "what if?" I'd head first to the Great Wall of China (always wanted to see it), stopping along the way in Christchurch so Kaf could meet at least ONE bloglit before the end, Sydney and Ayers Rock.

I'd come home through D.C. so I could punch a couple of nameless people very, very hard in the stomach (as I choose to believe their actions caused this catastrophe).

(Oh yeah, a couple of favorite restaurants for lunch & dinner would be on the agenda.)

Then I'd settle in and watch a few favorite movies on tape (Two for the Road, Casablanca, When Harry Met Sally...) before heading to bed as I've done for the last 35 years with the closest person in the world.

Is that beter, P?

At 12:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Punky, you make me want to be a better man.

What, this isn't Compliment Punky Day?

At 1:03 PM , Blogger punky said...

Ha! I bet I do. Compliment Punky day was last week. Today is "Send Punky all your Money" day ... start observing NOW.

At 1:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please charge whatever you deem appropriate to my visa: 4329-3487-2480-3048, exp. 02/2009, security code 132. Thanks.

At 1:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! That's my card number.

At 1:50 PM , Blogger punky said...

all your money are belong to me.

At 10:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

a hard question - but the more i thought about it - the more i realized exactly what i would do.

tell my family, friends that i love them, hug and kiss them.
spend time with my kitties and adopted puppies.
watch the sun set with the love of my life, stealing kisses, feeling safe in the warmth of his arms and going out of this world smelling like cigars and not caring....

At 10:35 AM , Blogger Higgy said...

Catching up from a week on vacation...

With my last 24 hours, I would NOT mow the grass. I would play with my son and wife, go to the British cafe and eat the whole thing, then drink that bottle of wine that we're saving for a special day and finally jump into bed and stay there.


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