Monday, August 07, 2006

I'd like to thank the academy ...

Name three people who have significantly impacted your life, either as a mentor, teacher or source of inspiration.


At 9:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really like your questions Punky. I don't often comment but they sure make me think!

At 1:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) My mom, who was a single (divorced) parent before it was common;
2) My wife, who challenges me and supports me (and loves me) on an ongoing basis;
3) My 4th grade teacher Mr. Worth, who told me he liked me, and was the closest thing to a father figure I had that year. When you are a kid, sometimes the smallest things can make a big difference - something I try to remember daily with my own kids.


At 1:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


It's not a lack of love. In my case (and I don't think I'm alone here) it's taking you and the question seriously enough that I am thinking hard about it.

1) My parents. They were determined from day one that their children would be independent and strong and self-reliant. The fact that I was a girl in some ways made them more determined, I think. My dad taught me all about car maintenance. I could change a tire, the spark plugs, the oil on the car I had in high school.

My mom passed along what my husband calls her "benign disdain for convention." She's a rebel, goes her own way when it suits her, and she raised two children who are creative, independent, critical thinkers. We have a very low tolerance for stupidity, but we usually find a way to respond cleverly and creatively rather than cruelly.

2) Dave. He celebrates who I am and what I do, he doesn't just tolerate it. His unconditional love for me and the joy he takes in being with me have given me the freedom to be myself more completely in the ten years we've been together than in the preceding 28.

Coming up with another one is tough, though. I've had lots of helping hands along the way, but very few personal encounters that "inspired" me. And no mentors. I think that's why I am so determined to be a mentor myself. Because it sucks trying to scramble up the ladder on your own.

So I'm going to think some more about this and then get back to you.

At 8:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 8:53 AM , Blogger Leetie said...

1. My college roommate, Dawn
2. JU
3. My daughter

In order of appearance. :)

At 1:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) My mom, for giving me loveeven when I did not deserve it.

2) My third grade teacher Mr. Morningweigh. First adult male influence I remember. Dad was in the army so he was gone alot in the early years.

3)My Uncle Marty, he taught me about integrity.

At 10:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

the love of my life - i know how corny - but it is so true. he has brought out a better side of me, a side that i knew existed but didn't know how to let it shine. and it continues to come out more and more every day!

my friend, deb - yes another corny and corky think but who cares. she has shown me how to be strong and not take shit from people. she has shown me an inner beauty in me that i never knew existed. she has impacted my life in ways that she will never know that she has.


my 8 neices and 2 nephews - why? cause they are hold the core of my heart. i would and will do anything for them and they all know that. they have impacted my life to the point that whether or not i ever have children - i know that i will always have them to lean on for a good laugh, for a hug when i need it the most, a smile that warms the entire heart - they are just amazing - every day - absolutely amazing.

At 10:44 AM , Blogger Higgy said...

My old history professor, Dr King. A funny and gentle soul who listened well.

Rick T - my old retail manager - he taught me a lot about myself by introducing me to "Please Understand Me" and the Meyer-Briggs profiles.

My son Owen - he's impacted my life more profoundly than I'd have ever thought possible.


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