Friday, March 17, 2006

Question 30

Silk or flannel?

Fly or Sail?

Sing or Dance?

Missionary or On Top?

Rain or snow?

Bra hooks in back or front?

Boxers or briefs?

Horses or Cows?

Walking or Running?

Chutes 'n Ladders or UNO?

Blow Pop or Tootsie Pop?

Peppermint or Spearmint?

Ketchup or Mustard?

Give or Receive?

Kisses or Hugs?

Liked or Respected?


At 12:11 PM , Blogger MrFisher said...




At 12:15 PM , Blogger MrFisher said...

Ha anyway you turkey (sammich) you.


On Top
Blow Pops


I need a Guinness after that long one. ;-)

At 12:18 PM , Blogger Higgy said...

Flannel when I'm cold and alone, silk when I'm hot and with someone.

Fly - some of my more traumatic experiences as a kid have to do with sailing.

Sing when I'm driving by myself or in the shower, Dance otherwise.

On Top. I'm just wired that way.

Rain - I'll never move back to the snow!

In Front - it's like Xmas!

Briefs - you can't give little Higgy too much room to roam around.

Cows, I suppose - better eating.

Walking - running hurts my knees. I'm too damn fat.


Blow Pop, I suppose. Rather have chocolate.

Peppermint - spearmint is yucky.

Mustard (sorry, Punky, I know you hate it.)

Receive for some things, Give for others. Blood, for example. MUCH rather give that.

Hugs - I'm a hugger.

Liked more so than respected, although it's tough to like someone you don't respect.

At 5:34 PM , Blogger punky said...



dance (and sing)

missionary (I love to feel the weight of a man on top of me, plus I'm lazy ;)



boxer-briefs (Mmmm)

horses. but I do love cows. MOOO!

running (for exercise) walking (for contemplation)

chutes man! It's all about the candy.

Blow Pop



Sex: Give first ... receive second. :) Love: I give more than receive. Working on that.

Hugs. I give great hugs.


At 5:42 PM , Blogger MrFisher said...


Whew, I think I dislocated my funny bone.

I know it's probably only funny to me.

But, that's the same reason I chose on top, I like to feel the weight of a woman on top of me, plus I'm lazy. ;) I just wasn't going to say that outloud. Guess I blew that.

At 5:45 PM , Blogger MrFisher said...

Also, I wanted to see Tamara with her fingers in her ears going "LA LA LA LA LA LA!"

At 6:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Silk or flannel? Flannel

Fly or Sail? Fly - I'm a rotten sailor

Sing or Dance? Sing - can't dance

Missionary or On Top? Both

Rain or snow? Rain

Bra hooks in back or front? Back - I'm a traditionalist

Boxers or briefs? boxers in the hot weather, otherwise briefs

Horses or Cows? love horses

Walking or Running? walking

Chutes 'n Ladders or UNO? UNO

Blow Pop or Tootsie Pop? Tootsie

Peppermint or Spearmint? Pepper

Ketchup or Mustard? Depends on with what, but say Mustard

Give or Receive? Give (but totally agree with Punky on the sex part)

Kisses or Hugs? Hugs

Liked or Respected? Respected

At 6:50 PM , Blogger Mad Scientist said...

Blow - but not pop I prefer weasel
ICK and Ickier
Sweet High fructose corn syrup laden ketchup

At 7:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Flannel for me, silk on her
Sail, more involvement
Sing my choice nobody elses
On top
Rain don't have to shovel it
Hooks in back
Tootsie pop
Peppermint schnapps mmmmmm...
Give, receiving makes me uncomfortable

At 9:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Flannel, definitely flannel.

Fly or Sail? Um, rail please.

Sing or Dance? What, can't think of some other way to humiliate me?

Missionary or On Top? Missionary (I love to feel the weight of a man on top of me, plus I'm lazy ;)

Rain or snow? Hmm. Tough one. I'll go with rain, it's more available and abundant in DC.

Bra hooks in back or front? As if I cared.

Boxers or briefs? Boxers.

Horses or Cows? Cows. My grandfather used to have a few of both on several acres. The cows always smelled so good. No, not crowded, manure filled, stockyard smells. They usually smelled of the clover, alfalfa and hay they were given to eat. Sweet, aromatice grasses. Mmmm.

Walking or Running? Walking.

Chutes 'n Ladders or UNO? Chutes.

Blow Pop or Tootsie Pop? Blow Pop I suppose. But I really don't like lollipops, which, if you think about it, is mildly ironic given my response in 30IV.

Peppermint or Spearmint? Spearmint. My great grandmother had a bush. Again, mmmm.

Ketchup or Mustard? Both.

Give or Receive? Give, I guess. I could include a rather off color remark/justification here, but I think I hold something back for question 31.

Kisses or Hugs? I'll go continental and say kisses.

Liked or Respected? Feared. Okay, okay, liked. Which is an honest answer but perhaps not the best one.

At 11:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Silk or flannel? Well, I only have cotton, what's that mean? Probably flannel.

Fly or Sail? Where are we heading? To Italy? Let's fly. To Arkansas? Let's sail.

Sing or Dance? I love 'em both. Can't say I'm good at them, but I'm enthusiastic.

Missionary or On Top? Yes please.

Rain or snow? Snow.

Bra hooks in back or front? I can't say I care.

Boxers or briefs? Boxer briefs for me.

Horses or Cows? Are we eating or riding? Horses are way cooler than cows, but not to eat.

Walking or Running? Who is chasing me? I'll probably pull one of those "horror chicks in high heels" falls if it's Sandra Bullock, but if it's Richard Gere, I'm running!

Chutes 'n Ladders or UNO? How much beer will be available?

Blow Pop or Tootsie Pop? Just do stuff with pop, thanks.

Peppermint or Spearmint? There's a difference? I really just have a "mint" category I put stuff in.

Ketchup or Mustard? Mustard. Substitute Picante wherever Ketchup seems to belong.

Give or Receive? Give. To me. Is that wrong? Ha. I'm a giver.

Kisses or Hugs? Does this have to be an "or"? Hugs seem to have the connotation of Aunt Edna, so let's kiss.

Liked or Respected? Loved.


At 12:12 AM , Blogger DonnaJo said...

Silk or flannel? silk
Fly or Sail? sail
Sing or Dance? dance (people tend to shoot when I sing -- can't say I blame them)
Missionary or On Top? missionary
Rain or snow? rain
Bra hooks in back or front? front -- I like Christmas

Boxers or briefs? boxers
Horses or Cows? horses
Walking or Running? walking -- have you noticed joggers do NOT seem to be happy.

Chutes 'n Ladders or UNO? Uno.
Blow Pop or Tootsie Pop? Tootsie
Peppermint or Spearmint? peppermint
Ketchup or Mustard? mustard
Give or Receive? give
Kisses or Hugs? l-o-n-g slow kisses
Liked or Respected? respected

At 11:53 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

This is a good one!

Takes deep breath.

Silk or flannel? Flannel. Silk is lovely but too slippery.

Fly or Sail? Fly.

Sing or Dance? Sing (when no one's around).

Missionary or On Top? Missionary. It's so cuddly and intimate.

Rain or snow? At mid March, I am so sick of snow!

Bra hooks in back or front? Front, except that they never fit quite right.

Boxers or briefs? Boxers.

Horses or Cows? Horses are nice animals.

Walking or Running? Walking. Even as a kid I didn't like running.

Chutes 'n Ladders or UNO? Chutes Rock!

Blow Pop or Tootsie Pop? Tootsies.

Peppermint or Spearmint? Spearmint.

Ketchup or Mustard? Ketchup.

Give or Receive? Both are nice but giving is better for the soul.

Kisses or Hugs? Hugs. Some people are bad kissers but nobody's a bad hugger.

Liked or Respected? Respected but not on a pedastal.

At 8:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so not good at these kinds of questions. I'm a demographic buster.

Silk under flannel










Tootsie Pop


Ketchup, Mustard, Sweet Relish and Onions (Unless salsa is available. Then the whole thing changes.)




At 8:25 PM , Blogger Graz said...

Silk, unless the sheets are silk, then you have a potentialy dangerous stactic issue.

Sail. Love the water. Can't figure out why the hell I'm living so far from the ocean right now.

Sing. At the drop of a hat. Or a scarf even.

Missionary. Makes it so the neck, lips, shoulders and ears are readily available for attention.

Rain. Since I stopped sking, I can't stand the snow.

Either. Or none. Depending on situation and persons present.


Horses. But I love steak so much I could kiss a cow on the lips.

It used to be running until my knee surgery. Now I just walk briskly. All the time.

Strip Chutes and Ladders.

Tootsie Pop. Only because I like to see how many licks it takes.

Spearmint if that's the only choice. Otherwise, Big Red.

Sorry, Punky, but mustard as long as it's stadium mustard. Ketchup and mayo for fries.

Give first. If done correctly, what you recieve will be done with much more gusto.

Depends on who, what and where. Hugs are great, but love kissing. Long, slow, deep, wet, or short little whisper kisses. Thems are good stuff.

Respected. You can make anyone like you, even just for a minute. It takes some work to get them to respect you.


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