Question 26
1. Is there someone in your life to whom you owe a thank you, a sincere expression of gratitude ... someone who did something for you who you may not have had the chance to thank. If so, who are they and what did they do for you?
2. What are you currently listening to?
3. What is your favorite letter in the alphabet? What is your favorite number? And what is your favorite material?
Well, while I'm LTTG but here, and you snuck a new question in on me.
1) My mother. She did her best given the circumstances and at the time of my youth I was too filled with angst to appreciate her effort. We haven't and don't talk much since my teens, and I really owe her a very big thank you, I see her influences in my life occasionally and they are positive things that were instilled without my knowing. So, thanks Ma.
2) U2- Achtung Baby
3) The letter 3, kidding, it's actually always been Q. Number 10 (69 for back up), and material would have to be Canvas.
1. Melissa Santanella. When a "friend" stole my diary in Junior High School and read it on the school bus day after day, I was too insecure and scared to do anything about it but sit and let them read excerpts from it. A girl, who wasn't really even a friend, told her Mom about it and her Mom told her to tell the teacher and get my diary taken away from the kids. She went to school the next day and told the principal. The kids got in trouble and I got my diary back ... and Melissa became the target of many 7th graders hatred. I never said thank you. I don't know why. I guess I was just glad it was over, I went back to trying to be invisible and never told her how much what she did mattered and how brave she was for coming to the defense of another student and risking being hated for it. She was all class, that Melissa. I think of her often and her bravery inspires me to this day.
2. Radio Paradise
3a. W
3b. 3 or 33 (honest)
3c. uber soft chenille
1) Mom. I did have a chance to thank her. She was exactly right for my personality. If I got pushed I dug my heels in. Mom never really pushed. I miss her every single day.
2)Jack FM
3a) P because I am chidish sometimes
3b) Pi mmmmm Pi
3c) Wood. You didn't say clothing material. Concrete is pretty good too.
Kingw ... I meant materials of all kinds ... actually I wasn't even thinking clothing when I asked the question.
1. My grandfather (or Bampy, in Welsh) who played Pontoon (Blackjack)with me when I was younger. He spent time with me, listened to me and never said a cross word.
2. My wife feeding our son and the clock ticking.
3. S - because you make so much when you add it to the ends of words. Don't really have a number, so I'll be nerdy and pick 42. My favorite material is wood - but if you mean material for clothes, then I'll go for either silk or crushed velvet. Not that I own any, but still...
1. I'd like to thank the Academy for this award. And of course God, for giving me the talent. And my agent Artie, who stood by me even when I couldn't land a feminie hygiene product commercial and had to do the low budget Norwegian gay porn movie.
2. George Carlin's "You People Are All Diseased."
3. Favorite letter: "R." It's not over used like ABCD and E. It doesn't get jostled and all mixed up in JLOMNK sequence. And it doesn't feel like it's just been tacked on and forgotten at the end like WXY and Z. Favorite number: "18." I don't have to explain why, right? Favorite material: "high thread count, 100 percent cotton, white percale sheets that have been recently washed and dried outdoors on the clothes line. Smooth, soft and comfprtable with just a little stiff edge.
1. My great aunt and uncle, who didn't have any children of their own. So they took my college-aged dad under their wings and then my mom and when I was born, Dad told them to consider me their first grandchild. So I had three sets of grandparents growing up, and Aunt Fern and Uncle Maurice were probably closest emotionally to who I am.
When I was getting ready to graduate from high school, they called to ask Dad to reserve a hotel room for them. "You don't have to come," he told them. "Nonsense," said Aunt Fern. "Our eldest grandchild is graduating. Of course we have to be there."
By the time I figured out just how lucky I was to have them in my life, they were gone. I miss them both so much. Aunt Fern, Uncle Maurice, thank you for treating me like an equal and intelligent being, even when I was too young to talk. Thank you for loving me unconditionally. Thank you for your gentleness and love of books and gadgets. Thank you.
2) The Palouse wind whipping around the house and yard. It's making our Woodstock windchime sing. And rocking the house occasionally with awfully heavy gusts. I hope we still have a whole roof in the morning.
3) I don't really have a favorite letter. I find them all useful. Though I think X doesn't get nearly enough play.
My favorite numbers: 3, 16, 27. Because 3 is funny, just ask any theatre practitioner; 16 is my birthday; and 27 was the year I figured out who I was.
My favorite materials: paper and ink. Especially in combination. Though there's alot to be said for the wood of a stage floor. And for the smell and feel of fresh compost and healthy soil...
1. i would like to thank the whole blogging universe for giving me an outlet for humorous activities...
2.nothing ,but the voices in my head are listening to the Killers
3.favorite letter , x, as in 'solve for', favorite number, i'll be completely obvious and say 1,729.
favorite material:pre-stressed concrete, because it was such a chore shouting out "you'll never amount to anything, you'll collapse at the first sign of pressure" at bridges
fquwk- oh yeah! well, same to you!
If anyone cares, I also have a MySpace page where I post a baby blog ... so far there are only two posts ... but it will grow. Since I tend to only post questions here ... any ponderings about my life will go there. Stalkers only, please.
Thanks :)
You can find my page by checking out my profile, under webpage. Nifty, eh? Please do not link to it on your sites. Thanks.
3) U, 11, Bismuth
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