so goodbye yellow brick road ...
For those of you wonderful souls who check this blog daily, I wanted to let you know that I am putting this blog on hiatus ... indefinitely. So, no need to email me and ask if I am dead. I'm not. I just have other things that are drawing my attention. Good things.
I will keep the blog up so you can read through any of the 600 plus questions and answers or feel free to comment in the comment section when the urge strikes.
Love and hugs to all the MOATies and to everyone else who reads this blog. I miss you all.
Also, the Daily Om and the Thought From the Universe changes daily, so feel free to check back in from time to time for those little gems.
p.s. It is somewhat entertaining to scroll down through all the many posts and read only the headlines/titles. I believe I enjoyed coming up with those more than the actual questions. They always reflected where I was in that exact moment. Enjoy.