Monday, November 27, 2006

Wishing and Hoping and Fluffing and picking the stickers off and cheating!

If you could make real any of the following not-real things, which would you choose?

- unicorns
- leprechauns
- smurfs
- snorks
- wookiees

Do you prefer your pillow fluffy, firm or feather? Do you flip your pillow to find the cool side when you can't sleep?

Can you solve Rubik's Cube?

Friday, November 24, 2006

Dreamweaver, I believe we can reach the morning light ...

Yesterday I had a random thought pass quickly through my mind. I thought nothing of it. And then no more than 30 minutes later, that exact thought happened in real life. This is not a first in my life ... but it did get me thinking, as most things do.

So here are my questions to you ...

- Has this ever happened to you?

- Is everything simply coincidence, or do you think everything has significance? Does everything happen for a reason?

- Do we create our life and all that happens within it through our thoughts? Or are things predestined? Or are we simply at the mercy of happenstance and luck?

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Happy Thanksgiving!

I am thankful for all of you.

Well ... almost all of you.

Ha! I kid.

Much love to everyone who reads this blog.


Saturday, November 18, 2006

If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you

Thanks Giving.

For what are you thankful this year?

Monday, November 13, 2006

Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto ...

Three websites you visit daily?

Your favorite website for killing time?

Your favorite website for news?

Your favorite website for humor?

Your favorite website for ideas or inspiration?

Saturday, November 11, 2006

You Beta, You Beta, You bet.

OK, so I switched over to the beta version of blogger and the beta gods would not let me post a new question. I tried some highly technical adjustments, mainly logging out and logging back in, and now I seem to be back on track.


OK, onto the questions.

Part 1
Do you believe any of the following exist:
Loch Ness Monster?
Non-corrupt politicians?
Good natured Chihuahuas?

Part 2
What is your favorite dish at Thanksgiving time? Do you make something for which you are well known? What is your favorite dessert?

Part 3
Will it be a White Christmas?


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Hey, it's good to be back home again

Hey there. Hope everyone had a nice weekend. Back to the questions ...

1. Worst airport experience you have ever had?

2. Favorite seat on a flight? Aisle, Window, front of plane, rear, etc.

3. Do you drink alcohol on flights?

4. Longest flight you have ever been on? Where did you go?

5. Are you afraid to fly? If so, do you fly anyway? What do you do to help calm your fears?

Thursday, November 02, 2006

I'm leavin' on a jet plane

I will be away for the next 4 days visiting Tamara in Jaw-Juh. So, in my absence, please feel free to entertain yourselves in the comments section. Perhaps throw questions into the mix and see who responds. Or just tell me I suck for going away and leaving you without a coffee mate. Or maybe some of you will want to take the next 4 days to discuss the East Asian Financial Crisis. I'll let you guys decide. Have fun.

Much love,


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

sweet november

1. Are you good at keeping in touch with old friends?

2. What is your preferred method of communication: Email, phone, one on one visit?

3. At a party, do you prefer one on one conversation, or a group conversation?

4. Are you a fan of dinner parties? Would you prefer to attend or host?

5. How many hours a day do you spend on the phone? How many of those hours are for work?