Sunday, January 27, 2008

buttery fingers

movies I have seen in the last few months ... and loved. (in order)

Michael Clayton.
The Bucket List. (liked very much but did not love)

Movies I am eager to see (not yet released):

The Other Boleyn Girl.
Wall E.
The Time Traveler's Wife.

And you?


At 8:54 AM , Blogger Leetie said...

oooh! I didn't know there was a "Boleyn" movie coming out! I definitely want to see that. I had a near-psychotic absorbance in Philippa Gregory books over the last few months. To the point that I actually read a few Elizabethan history books.

I'm also interested in "The Time Traveler's Wife," but VERY cautiously so. The book was so freaking painful to read at the end, I'm not sure I can endure going through it again (butyouknowiwill).

I'm interested in Juno. Atonement looks like another emotion-ripper, which I don't subject myself to without careful consideration.

At 10:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I want to see Time Traveler's Wife as well. Forgot to list that one.

I didn't want to see Atonement for the same reason, but I knew how it ended, so I was able to go into the movie and not be devastated. It was so beautifully done and it stayed with me for days.

At 10:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

New photo! Beautiful!

...I haven't seen any grown-up movies lately and don't expect to get the chance any time soon... le sigh... ...But I saw Mike Birbiglia's stand-up act on Comedy Central last night and chuckled my ARSE off! Me like funny.

At 3:31 PM , Blogger Higgy said...

Movies? Hmm, I remember those. Nope, haven't been to one for a while.

At 4:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I definitely want to see "The Other Boleyn Girl." I just love period pieces, particularly those that concern the beautiful people (i.e., I'm not sure a movie about Elizabethan pheasants would interest me).

I saw "Cloverfield." Actually really liked it. Blair Witch meets Godzilla. Very Kafkesque and make me want to go out an assemble an emergency preparedness kit. How they managed to walk from Spring Street to E 59th Street through the subway tunnels in heels I'll never understand.

"27 Dresses." Absolutely no chemistry among the actors here. Very disappointing."

"I Am Legend." Also Kafkaesque. The images of a deserted and abaondoned NYC are intriguing.

"Charlie Wilson's War." Not bad for a political thinker.


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