This holiday season, I challenge all of you to do something unexpectedly kind and selfless for someone, preferably a stranger, because I know most of you, and I know you already do so much for those you love.
Do something kind for a stranger or someone with whom you aren't particularly close. Do it for the simply joy of giving, or because you need to earn brownie points with the man upstairs, or because you need to balance out your karma account, or do it because Punky asked you to. I don't care why you do it ... I just hope you all will do it.
And then if someone happens to do something unexpected and kind for you, I'd love it if you would write about it here.
Sending you all the deepest happiness, love and joy this holiday season.
~ Punky
Oh, and because it just wouldn't be right without one ... here is the question:
What is your fondest memory?