Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Question 11

In a kung fu death match ... who would win?

Cyndi Lauper or Pat Benatar?

Weird Al Yankovic or Pee Wee Herman?

Vanilla Ice or Kevin Federline?

Winona Ryder or Gwyneth Paltrow?

Madonna or Wonder Woman?

Richard Gere or a Gerbil?


At 2:40 PM , Blogger punky said...

The European variety ... with beret and scarf.

At 3:18 PM , Blogger Sarah said...

1. Pat Benatar in 5 seconds.

2. Pee Wee, with Jambi's help.

3. Do not doubt the power of K-Fed. Vanilla Ice may have had Madonna but K-Fed could get $125 million out of his marriage to Brit.

4. Winona, easy. She's a bit wobbly but Gwyneth looks a bit frail.

5. Madonna IS Wonder Woman.

6. The gerbil, unless it's a Buddist. Then it'd be a draw.

At 5:49 PM , Blogger Higgy said...

Pat Benatar would kick Cyndi's ass.

Pee Wee would take a beating from Weird Al - but you'd have to get Al coked up or something.

Vanilla Ice would beat the white trash out of K-Fed - if that's possible.

Winona and her shoplifting ways would take out Gwyneth - but either way I'd pay to see the match.

Wonder Woman would narrowly defeat the cone-boobed younger Madonna.

He'd have to get it out of his pants before he could beat it......the gerbil, I mean....

At 8:29 PM , Blogger DonnaJo said...

Wonder Woman

At 5:20 PM , Blogger Mad Scientist said...

Jack Bauer would shoot them all in the thigh

At 8:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Punky Brewster would kick all their asses.

Just sayin'

At 11:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Cyndi Lauper, she's feisty.

2. Pee Wee Herman, he's been working overtime building up that super kung fu grip, if you know what I mean . . . and I know you all do.

3. Vanilla Ice and Kevin Federline, I'm hoping for a tie.

4. Winona Ryder or Gwyneth Paltrow? Don't really care.

5. Madonna or Wonder Woman? I'm going with Tamara's answer.

6. The Gerbil.


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